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About Me

I always find myself doing two major projects, and several minor ones, at the same time. It began when I left college to do a diploma in journalism after an honors in zoology, because I wanted to know if I could write. Post that diploma, I got a full-time job at a newspaper, but also, enrolled for a Master's degree in biodiversity. Everyday, I learnt something new at both places, and thus began the best years of learning.

I've never looked back since, and never done just one thing when I could do another at the same time. Just to learn more, and see if I was capable of more.

I've worked with bees and mosquitos in a research lab, sieved sand in pouring rain looking for tiny beach critters, written about why monkeys don't see a bridge as a bridge, and combed archives to understand which trees made people less homesick. Now, I'm learning how the pathways of environment, journalism and misinformation work. Science is something that needs to be looked at from every perspective possible, and I continue to look for more ways to do that.

Also, I despise Twitter. Only on it because I occasionally try to re-tweet good work by other people.

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